CFE Caisse des Français à l’Etranger

The CFE, Caisse des Français à l’Etranger is the parastatal organization, equivalent to social security for established French people, residents outside France. The definition of residence, for insurers, is to live more than 183 days in a country.

As for social security reimbursements, for those who have kept their social security coverage in France without changing to the CFE, they are granted under 2 major conditions:

  • You are traveling for less than 3 months
  • The need for treatment arises during an accident or an unexpected illness
  • Evacuation costs are not covered by

Of course, you must pay your hospital and/or evacuation costs in advance. Read the official information and price simulations

Attention: There is no representation or agent abroad -no official intermediary-

Overall Insurance Rating




The CFE is a social security body governed by private law with a public service mission. Placed under the supervision of the ministries in charge of Social Security and the Budget, it has the obligation to balance its accounts and does not receive any aid from the State*. It draws its resources solely from the contributions of its members, it is totally autonomous financially.



The CFE covers health expenses:

  • According to the French social security ceilings
  • Depending on the country of taking care according to zones 1 to 5 will be 19-67%
  • Pre-existing and chronic diseases are covered according to the scale



The CFE is a centralized French administration governed by the legal code of social security, providers and those registered with the CFE have no flexibility.



The solo or family tariff is only attractive for seniors or people who cannot find proper insurance for their pre-existing illnesses excluded from their private coverage. If you want a full reimbursement at 100% of the actual costs for treatments in the best clinics in your country of residence, the addition of the complementary becomes uncompetitive.



The CFE is a centralized French administration not subject to an obligation of result like their counterparts in private medical insurance.

  • The one-stop-shop for subscribers of supplementary compensation for weaknesses
  • The repayment period is variable
  • No payment abroad is possible. You pay before and wait for your refund.

Ideal Client Profile

CFE cover is ideal for French people living abroad who can buy complementary mutual insurance, at the risk of paying the difference between the actual costs and the reimbursement of 19-67% of the actual costs.

Insurance Products

Pour la plupart des familles

Pour les moins de 30 ans

Pour les retraites

Professional Corporate coverage for Business activities & Projects