Vietnam’s healthcare system has undergone a radical transformation

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This is thanks to the Vietnamese government pushing for universal healthcare, and as a result, over 80% of citizens in Vietnam now have access to healthcare.

The current healthcare system is a mixture of both public and private facilities. Public facilities make up the majority of the system, and they focus on four different levels of service: central, provincial, district, and commune.

Each level has a two-pronged system, focusing on prevention – similar to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the US – and clinical acute care (short-term treatment for a severe injury or episode of illness).

Previously reliant solely on tax, this healthcare system now has three sources of funding. These are:

  • Government revenue – This usually comes from infrastructure development and recurrent spending (mainly at the provincial level)
  • Social health insurance contributions
  • Out-of-pocket payments

So, what can you expect to be covered for by Vietnam’s public healthcare system?

  • Inpatient and outpatient care
  • Consultant fees
  • Pathology
  • Medications
  • Pregnancy check-ups
  • Transport support for vulnerable people
  • Eyesight treatment for children under six
  • Treatment in cases of suicide or self-inflicted injuries
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Birth defects and inborn diseases

To make sure more people can afford to access this care, there are two types of healthcare cover available in Vietnam, which are both managed by Vietnam Social Security (VSS):

  • Compulsory social security cover – This applies to all workers on permanent contracts of more than three months, as well as several other categories, including children under six, financially unstable people, students, over-90s, and war veterans
  • Voluntary health insurance – This applies to anyone not covered by the mandatory scheme, such as self-employed and informal workers

Compulsory health insurance contribution rates amount to 4.5% of income, with 3% provided by the employer and 1.5% by the employee.

Source: Move Hub